Hard level design To make a hard level, you have to apply challenge methods, used on steam games: achievements are very hard to get. Especially when it comes to magic games. I had a lot of fun playing bridge crossing in americas army. Also the FBI in counter strike. Very simple level design, but lot of hard challenging fun. Traditionally, people think some easy games are fun. But they really aren't. Making a fun map level requires making a good challenge structure. Example hard level design A good challenge structure: must be directly related to the core steam mechanics. Pacing is important in hard first person shooters, so if you ever played a first person shooter, on steam you'll see the achievements are really hard to get. So the steam basically works just like level design. secret.bat get on the 300th level Steam is a system of games, level design is like a system of levels. Levels in steam games; or at least some include achievement, so it's important to under stand st...
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