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Level design basics, part 7

Meta files
Meta means in between. Wild hard ware and soft ware connection.
A game design level document is just documentation; it is normal
text. Actual level files however are en coded. Not normal text, in

other words; which is why they are a lot harder to make. Forests
for example are hard to put into a text file. Trees are real world eco
systems that are the source of nature and life. It is one thing to put

a real world object into a game, what is even a LOT harder is putting
one, for example a tree into a text file. Source code is just sofware,
it is nothing but encoded writing, which is why to put it into soft ware

is not exactly easy, but has been done many times before. However,
putting source code directly into hard ware is a completely different
thing. That's where meta files come in handy. Meta files are clay ware.

They work very similiar to a human brain. Like a connection between
software and hardware. A meta file contains level game design
documentation and level code. A structure of a level code document

is basically encoded data about the level's structure.  A good example
of a meta file application would be trying to implement a navy into
a game: like a naval unit. The only problem with making a combat game

is that it many times interferes with united states army official and
confidential information: a navy here would not mean type of combat,
more accurately a naval unit of 20 ships, each containing navy sailors,

pirates and soldiers.

Make files
A make file contains logs and caches of what was going on when the
multiplayer game client was running. They are used for breaking routine
checks. Developers can read make file reports, and then analyze the

players key board and mouse inputs. This analysis is used for tweaking
the game features: HUD means holo graphic user design interface.
The HUD in a game isn't just display information, but what matters

is also the contents it displays. A holo graph is a virtual reality element.
