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Showing posts from June, 2023

Level design basics, part 3

  Level memory design A three dimensional level can take serious loads of random access memory; on stack and heap. So it's important to have a memory design document. As a reserve: dynamic memory consumption. When RAM hits 90% the computer very slowly starts to lag, so it's good to have a strategy that will help. You in advance. Random access memory is hard to access or use because it's used by the remote host. level 1.txt 0 1 0 3 push memory >>

What does a good game consist of? (part 29)

Original challenge Every game that is worth playing, is hard. What is rare is a type or a game mode that is different from others. This isn't just hard to make. But also hard to beat, but without that, there would be no fun. Zero challenge is a concept of a cold river water to pass. There are many original games, what is un common, is the original challenge types. The later is by then, a lot more imporant. I really like death match mode, it is over used, but that's not exactly a bad thing. What matters is if you're ready to face the challenge. Of adding the same famous over used game mode, but it's still different than any other made before. What matters here. Is not wether you make an original game or a tough one, what matters how you are going to make the challenges of the game. This is what makes games fun: challenge, story thrill, yawn I tried this challenge for 1000 times, the excitement of the real fear of death.

Level design basics, part 2

An arch level design is hard, as it doesn't involve only polygon boxes, but also also three dimensional curve lines. If you ever played. Americas army 1, you'll know how hard it is to make a curve building, like the famous over played bridge crossing map. The point is to start. With one curve. Curve is not a straight line, but it's still a line. Means it is possible to apply lines into a three dimensional level. arch 0 0 1 0

Debugging system

The debugger works similarly to what fort bragg sergeants teach their maggots in the special operations boot camp. Try to squash the bugs. Instead of merely fixing them. The problem arises with the systematic operative errors, like for example you make a problem which doesn't only cause the program to crash. But also errors, crashes and even bugs in the operation system. Doesn't matter if it's windows or mac cross. So the point is to work on bugs on a system level.