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Showing posts from May, 2022

What does a good game consist of? (part 26)

Unreal Engine 5 is a good way to make games without knowing how to code(or yet). You can use coded blueprints and even ask your coding teammate to make you one. Blueprints are coded parts of a video game and you can literally design levels with them. An example of a blueprint could be a quest.

C++ and OOP in a different manner

Keep in mind this article is meant strictly for C++ game devs and not for application programmers or game devs of scripting/other languages. I have my own technique when it comes to OOP in C++. The game I'm deving right now(or we are making) is a simple windows console project. It's up to you to decide whether you'll use this technique. First let me tell you in which cases you might need this technique: if you're ready for a new look on OOP if you need a new toolset for your coding practice if you like to learn(which I clearly hope for) So, the technique then. Decide which you prefer more: classes or structures. This helps you understand what kind of objects you want in a game.