To render objects with c++, it is first required to load them on the
engine's heap. After loading the object it has to be integrated into
the game engine's allocated memory.
void integrate()
Modern games(after doom 2) take an insane amount of heap
memory. Integrating all the objects on the level, can take 400 mb
or random access memory (ram). The same memory has the chip
effect on the working of the central processing unit. To completely
render the object, the first step is to load all the textures, shadow
models, parts, particles, inner model, render the object on the level
map, all the corelations with the heuristics. It is very hard to
render the inner part of the objects, such as anatomy or infra
structure. While it is perfectly fine to just render the inner part to
not be displayed. The anatomy of a player character or non player
can be seen on the outside, and the internal strurcture of a level
object such as a building, including the walls can be seen on the
outside, which is something you have to take into account while
rendering. The truth is, that loading 1 mega byte of data can take
insane ammounts of time, which is a huge problem in pentagon.
A very complex objects to render are corridors and tunnels. Which is
why ceilings are hard to render, as they carry immense weight. To
render a character, before the game starts, it has to be rendered
standing with arms diagonally from the shoulders. Then moved into
the right position, also use this technique for rendering spawned new
characters. Preload them, in other words.
void pre_load(int character_list_element)
static std::vector<Character> character_list{};
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