Object oriented programming is a sound and bold approach to c++ and internet wiring application and video games. It reduces a lot of code messes, made by global and half global functions. One of the more advanced object programming techniques are private access, poly morph and object message inheritance. It is set by c++ bjarne stroustrup and iso isometric standard convention comitee to use classes instead of structs and structures for making objects. Which means you most definitely should , but not must or have to. class Monster { std::string memory_attributes{}; public: void treck(); void track(); void trace(); }; The treck() function makes the monster roam and do human like jogging and trimming. track() means the monster goes ai path tracking and trace() means it tries to find other monsters in the area. class Weapon { std::string memory_attributes{}; public: void use(); }; void Weapon::use() { ...
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