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Level design basics, part 15

Game design and level design

They are very closely related. A good method is to make separate
document, that shows the relation points. Game design is like an arch
type to all other documentations. Which of course includes the level

design. One documentation doesn't go without the other. They are co
related, and both very important; two documents should do for the
entire documenation: of course as a document I don't mean 1 page or

any thing like that. Because an entire documentation of either can be
in one extensive document. But for better understanding and
comprehension; by then two documents are optimal. Level design

documentation is mostly and most oftenly a part game design
documentation. Level design is paramount part of game design. It
supports the whole structure together. It is very important, in other

words. A good way to start doing that is by making a separate game
design document. Or a level design section. Write all the references
to the level design documentation. What they both share in common is

the word "design". Designing a level is more than just planning it
and then designing it. They inter vine with each other. They are co
related. They don't go one with out the other. And so they both

require a giant ammount of effort. Making a campaign takes time,
effort and dedication. Game design basically covers all game aspects,
what makes it out standing from other games, game play querks,

challenges. Level design is not only writing about levels, but
covers data as well. So can game design. Data is crucial for the game
to not over flow the computer system with memory information. It has

to be stored in data bases. Game data design can quickly cover a lot
of game design and level design in over lap. Data is a very complex
infomation structure. A data unit basically contains a lot of bits

of information. So there is actually a lot of document over lap
between game design and level design. They are very deeply inter
related. As they cover all other design parts of the game, including

code design.


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