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What does a good game consist of? (part 5)

Levels grinding

Experience points (XP) hunting means getting a certain amount of experience points to progress to the next level and is a one of the core game aspects of many games.

It is so popular in games the fact is I saw it in more than 100 games. And rightfully it is, as it's a master-piece of what many people love. But what is the underlying mechanism? While it may be lots of fun for many players, the whole point is just doing the same kind of tasks to level up.

Personally, I don't find that too interesting. I mean clearly it is there for a reason, but why would anyone call it fun, if we look directly at the underlying mechanism?

Is it fun then because of  being a superior level? There is a level cap in most games, but what about ones who use infinite level cap? Well I think this a good step beyond capped-skill leveling, but clearly we can go further than so by going a step ahead?

My idea is basically to make something which requires doing special tasks, such as getting more XP by doing epic quests.

The whole point of this post was to show you classic level grinding doesn't have to be included in any game, even in a role-playing game(RPG). If there is really a better leveling system possible, clearly we can make a better one! This won't save the world, but you should consider it before trying to make another MMORPG(massive-multiplayer online role-playing game) which lifespan relies on classic leveling.


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