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What does a good game consist of? (part 16)

Street life

After seeing so many repeating themes in games(FPS competition and war-theme, strategy, tactics, teamwork) I have of making a refreshing one. While I have likes for many themes in games, I thought adding a new, refreshing theme would be nice.

Why street life?

Because I have so many bad memories with street fighting, being broke and cold blood pumping trough my veins-the last one because of heavy schizophrenia, and it is not a pleasure feeling.

How would you implement it in a game? I'm not sure, but I can readily it was cool in GTA San Andreas.

So many rappers draw inspiration from it. The street life, not GTA.

If we conclude, GTA is based on street life.

I think this is important to notice, as many people(including myself) live many kinds of street life, so it would probably smart to fix this hole in games.

Let me talk about my schizophrenia: ugliest form of schizo. When I first had it(12 years ago), I could see colors flying around me, demons, ... on the other side, what was real, many people tried to hurt me badly because I kept staring at other people and saying nonsense.

I think walking down the street every day an constantly thinking someone is going to kill me is one of the forms of street life. Along with being dead-broke and involved in street fights(which I'm in

It hurt be deeply once to have to sleep on the street. And I see no reason, why a street life game wouldn't help relieve some stress of street lifers.

Another part of street life could be partying, but this is the mildest form.

How could one implement street life into a game? Street Fighter is another form of street life inspirations. So in my opinion it would mean having to repay debt to mafia, survive being dead-broke and use some good rap. What do you think how could it be implemented?


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