Map overlay Making a map overlay is hard, as maps can change and grow. Map overlay is basically a different map than it was at the start of the game. That encourages the player to think while trying to win a match or a puzzle. The main map doesn't have to change that much over time, while the overlay works as a collection of all of the tactical actions made by same clan. Some sort of a clan map, in other words. A clan map is hard to read by other clans. But not impossible, when team speak and fighting tactics are put into use. Personal map overlay can be used to advice on mission, which is generated procedurally, but not necessarily randomly. Another good overlay is tactical and strategical, all of these types overlay are sent to developers for the lore overlay, which is very hard to get hands on if you are not a developer. Tactical overlay is a good way to lead a fireteam, or a squad, but also leaves data traces on the world map. In video games, trick rivalry is high and enemies, ...
Object colors To render objects textures and models and their colors, first pick 16 bit or RGB method for selecting the color. There are color zones. Basically, three dimensional textures with static fiiltering, which translates the two dimensional picture into a polygon mesh. The poligons are just custom triangles, but they are also triangles with angles that have to be set as well. There are no random angles. And most polygons have more than one color, or multiple of the similar type. To render object colors, they have to be first properly resolution pixel assigned. int render_color(int object_id,, int red, int green, int blue) { draw(red, green, blue,object_id*10);; return last_draw(); } Called right after assembly assignment: int re_fresh_resolution(int first, int second, int red, int green, int blue ) { draw_pixel(820,640,draw( red, green, blue , 1)); return last_draw(1); } Along with: class ColorNode { ...